1. On Monday night, we got a call from Elder Weiss, the AP. We kind of knew it was coming... I was staying and Sister Rasmussen would be leaving.
2. The Evans threw me an early birthday party on Tuesday without me knowing anything! These people are good. :) They invited some members from the ward and it was just very fun. My mom had sent a bunch of decorations and everyone was just obsessed. I told them that we have to have awesome decorations in Utah cause it makes up for the lack of booze. :)
3. I WENT TO THE TEMPLE!!! Our district went on our Wednesday p-day and it was amazing. It is just really incredible how much you come to love the missionaries you serve with, and to be in the Temple with each of them is really just the best thing.
4. Transfers. They are always so bittersweet.... Hard to say goodbye, but you get to see so many people you love. It was a very special meeting and my new Companion is really awesome. Here are some fun facts about Sister Monroe:
-She is from San Diego, California. (NOT UTAH!) :)
-She has been on her mission 13 months.
-She is 20 years old.
-She is obsessed with singing, cooking, and babies. (So...basically I am companions with myself.)
FUN FACT: Sister Monroe and I actually met through facebook before our mission and talked a couple times and every time we saw each other out here in the field we would say to each other that we would serve together eventually. And now we are. In Nauvoo. Pretty legit. And we just laugh a lot. And sing songs in weird voices. It's great! :)
5. Saturday was a big day... it was the last day of pageant and it was also my 20th birthday. :) I had a really great birthday! It was weird being away from family, not gonna lie, but I was still surrounded by people who I love so it worked out. :) We got to do some work in Carthage, and then we went to district meeting, and then mormon.org time, and then the night ended with pageant. It was the perfect 20th birthday. :)
Well... there are some of the highlights. This is short, I know, but I figured that it evens out with all the pictures sent.
Each and every day I am just amazed at how involved the Lord is in all of this. He sent me to an area that I love with companions that I have loved and do love, and with people around me who have forever changed my life. I have a firm testimony that our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ know each of us PERSONALLY and PERFECTLY. Every moment of each day is part of the glorious plan Heavenly Father has put together for each of His children. I love this work and I love this gospel. It has truly changed and impacted my life for the better, and I love being a apart of God's army.
Thank you to all for the birthday wishes and kind thoughts. I have been blessed beyond words in my life, and each of you has given me so many things to rejoice in. I love you. I pray for you. I leave my testimony with you in the name of my King and Savior, my Master, Jesus Christ, amen.
-Sister Jensen
Frolicking in a field of grass by the Nauvoo Temple on my 20th birthday: check. |
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On stage during the "British Pageant." :) |
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Last dinner at the Raisors and we requested spaghetti without plates, utensils, and napkins. :) Luckily, we were already in p-day clothes. :) |
Celebrating an early birthday at the Evans. :) |
I'm obsessed... |
End of transfer, after Temple, district picture. :) Elder Bean and Elder Jones Me, Sister Rasmussen, Sister Pratt, Sister Barker |
MY NEW COMPANION! Sister Monroe :) |
All of the Hamilton girls and Sister Hunt. :) Left to right- Sister Monroe, me, Sister Lindgren, Sister Stouffers, Sister Hunt, and Sister Rasmussen. |
Birthday Breakfast :) |
My STL's Sister Browne and Barker. They are the cutest and obviously the most creative. I knew it was a box of Cosmic Brownies before I even opened it. My mama knows me so well. :) |
Lion hair after a long night at pageant.... |
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Having too much fun at the Hunts. :) |
It's official. :) |