Monday: Pretty sweet thing happened today! The First Presidency of the church saw that our mission was really obedient, so they decided to kind of reward us a little. They gave each companionship with a car 1500 miles a month. THAT MEANS WE GET 300 EXTRA EVERY MONTH!!! We literally yelled for joy. That will help so much! That night we hung out with the Tunney's and it was awesome. Brother Tunney sent each of us home with a dozen pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. You better believe we ate them all. Yum.
Tuesday: We had interviews with President Jensen today! I love that man! My interview was kind of crazy... it went a little something like this...
"So, Sister Jensen you've been in Winterset for 6 months now?"
"Uh... add about 3 months to that..."
"What?!?! Oh Sister Jensen, you are definitely getting transferred."
DAGGER TO THE HEART. Seriously, he said that and my heart dropped to my stomach. I pretty much knew I was getting transferred in a couple weeks, but just to hear him say that freaked me out. Pretty crazy stuff. I also got to meet with Sister Jensen and she is just so cute!!! She seriously reminds me so much of my Nana so obviously I just adore her. Somehow, we got on the topic of going home. It freaked me out. I just kept thinking... I still have 10 months. I got time. But then I started realizing how FAST these last 9 months have flown and I know it will be here before I know it. FREAKS ME OUT. It's fine. That night, we met with the Forbes. We had an AMAZING lesson with them on the Plan of Salvation. Hey, remember that one time I loved being a missionary? Yep.
Wednesday: We got to start our day off pretty fun at the Turners house. Hahaha We all headed outside to play for a little bit. Basically the children attacked us with wooden swords. (I still have bruises.) After that we got to go to service and hand out cake. That was fun. :) The rest if the day was just a blur. It went so fast.
Thursday: Today we spent about 3 hours in the car shop getting a new tire. Yay. That took up most of our time. Then we got to go see Karissa and it was a SAWEET lesson. We taught her about how her body is a temple. She loved it!!!! She is just so amazing. Sersiouly... I am going to miss her so much. After that we headed to West Des Moines for dinner with the Elgs. Their house is darling and Sister Elg is an amazing cook. We had a really good Easter lesson with them and then headed home for the night.
Friday: Definitely not the day we were expecting. We did half our weekly planning and then started heading out for a lesson we had in Earlham. We got down the driveway and realized something wasn't right with the car... we spent the next 3 hours getting 2 more tires put on our car. Just one of those weeks people. We only had about an hour to do work after we got out of there so we headed to Earlham to see a less-active.
Saturday: Oh my heavens. Just imagine a 90 acre farm that hasn't had any yard work done on it since the fall... yep. That's where we spent ALL afternoon cleaning it up. I am so sore... We got to go with the Prices to this ladies house... her husband was a member but she is not. He passed away about a month ago so she needed a lot of help on their farm. We worked straight for about 4 hours... luckily, it was a BEAUTIFUL DAY! We got home around 3, and finished our studies and then headed out. We got to go see Beverly! We got to paint her nails a pretty Easter purple, and read her a sweet Easter story. She is so cute! After that, the day just flew by again! We just did a lot of driving around checking in on people. The town was LOADED with people cause Winterset was having it's monthly Bike Night. Haha yep... motorcycles EVERYWHERE. We gonna convert em all. Kidding. :)
Sunday: HAPPY EASTER!!! Today was amazing!! One of the most powerful sacrament meetings I have attended. The Bishopric spoke and those men are just amazing. They all spoke with such power and love. They have truly been called by God to their callings. Church was just amazing basically. And literally everyone came to us and made sure we had plans for Easter. Haha I LOVE THIS WARD!!!! I kind of just want to take them with me wherever I am transferred. No shame. After church we went home and played this SWEET game with the Prices. I am not sure what I did exactly, but I know I ended up with a TON of candy so I'm good. :) Then we headed to the Tunney's! Haha so awesome. We had some amazing food (obviously) and then watched this cartoon bible video of the resurrection. Then we played monkey in the middle. In the house. With a volleyball. YES. So fun. :) I really had such an amazing Easter. It is always hard being away from my family during these holidays but I honestly cannot imagine being anywhere else or doing anything else right now.
Well, there is my week. It was definitely a crazy week and not what we were expecting, but it was what the Lord knew we needed. I hope that you all had an amazing Easter Sunday! I am just so grateful that we have the knowledge of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I have met a lot of people on my mission so far who are completely blinded (mostly by choice) that they have someone who suffered specifically and individually for them. We are so blessed! He has given us so much, and asked for so little in return. I love the story of the rich young ruler... I can definitely look back and see times in my life when I was stubborn like this guy. I didn't want to see the bigger picture of what I would receive if I just did what my Savior asked me to do.
I love this holiday. It is a time of reflection and improvement. I think that we can all become better then we were yesterday. We just gotta work at it. "Never let it rest till your good is better and your better is best! :) (Thanks Trina!)
I hope you all have a marvelous week! I pray that you will be safe, and that you will feel the love your Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ have for you. I LOVE YOU!!!
-Sister Jensen
"Is this Heaven? No, it's Iowa."
We love Easter. So much. |
Typical Tunney fam pic. :) Easter was the best! |
Perfectly placed sign :) |
Sword fights after lunch? I think YES! |
When a member gives you dried seaweed crisps... ya gotta try em. |
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Yay for coordination at the Jacksons! :) |