Monday, November 18, 2013

I'm not a baby anymore!

I say this every week... but this week flew! That seems to be the usual now days. It was a good week here in the Winterset area though. Lots of tender mercies from the Lord.
Monday: Hands down one of the greatest p-days ever. Even though it officially snowed today which was pretty crazy. Anyways, since we live so far from everyone else, we never get together as a district. Until today. We all met up at the church and played games. Namely: ultimate frisbee (in the snow!), basketball, soccer, and the best one ever... quidditch. Haha yes we stole all the church's brooms and played quidditch. Don't be jealous. Me and Sister Barker totally rocked it. It was kind of sad though, while we were playing in the snow I went to catch the frisbee and TOTALLY biffed it. On my bum. In the snow. It was fantastic. I hurt my ankle pretty bad, but of course I kept playing. Had to show all those Elders how to do it. ;) Now I am regretting it, but its all good. We went to dinner at Red Robin. Yummmmm. Haha took me back to the good old days!
Tuesday: We had exchanges with our Sister Training Leaders! Exchanges are always fun. I was able to go with Hermana Stroud and she is just awesome! She goes home on Valentines day so she had a lot of knowledge and wisdom to give me. It was great! We were able to have a lesson with one of our investigators and it was probably the craziest lesson I have ever had... and not in a good way. Just lots of info came out that was good to know but stuff we will need to take a lot of time to work on. Oh... the life of a missionary...
Wednesday: We started out going to service at the assisted living home passing out cake. Haha we love giving service. Every month, the most darling couple comes and just sings for them so we got to listen in and feed them. It was great! Then we had a lesson with the Green family! They are doing good. Still looking forward to their December 14th baptism. In the lesson today, we invited Karma's last daughter to be baptized. She said yes and we are just thrilled! Now, they can all work towards this together. Tender mercy! Then that night we saw Sister Penner. Seriously I love that woman! We gave her a lesson and then she gave us early Christmas presents. Good trade I would say! She gave us the most darling scarves from a shop she helps decorate in town. She really is amazing!
Thursday: DISTRICT MEETING! Wooo! I love district meetings. Just a time to be uplifted and enlightened by other missionaries. There is nothin better! After the meeting, us and the Elders in our ward stayed and we role played a church tour for them so they could see how it was done. Haha of course, they didn't take it very seriously but it was still fun. Elders will be Elders right?? We got to visit with the Barbers again that night and they took us out to dinner.  All good :) I received an amazing package from the young women in my Cedar Hills Ward back home!  It was so awesome!  Won't lie...made me so happy!!! :)  We also realized today that we both have a gift. I beatbox and Sister Barker raps. We are quite the pair! We did that all the way and basically rapped our planning session. We feel pretty cool.
Friday: Weekly planning of course! It always takes up so much of our day that it is hard to do anything else. So we did that and then headed into town to just do some work. We didn't have tons of time cause we were scheduled to have dinner with the Elders at the Jackson's. It was fun as always! I got stuck at the kid table though with the Jackson's two kids and Elder Kay. Haha don't ask me how. Just super awkward. It's fine. Kind of a slow day...
Saturday: Pretty good day! We were able to go into Winterset today and see some of our people. We had a good lesson with Deloris. We did make her cry and she did tell us to get out, haha but it was a miraculous lesson if you can believe that. No worries though... all is well. We worked it out and things are great! I was also able to get a brace for my foot at the pharmacy which is great. It helps a lot! That night we got to spend time with the Prices family. LOVE THEM! That night we went to the stake center for a baptism. It was for an investigator of the Sisters in our zone. Such a great experience! There were so many people there supporting him and he was just glowing. He had a really hard life growing up and actually had to get permission from President Monson to be baptized cause he is on parole. So you can imagine the impact the Gospel has had on his life. It was just a very sweet moment to watch. Of course after the baptism, we just sat with our zone and talked and laughed and all that good stuff. :)
Sunday: Good... and weird Sunday! But mostly good! We went to church of course and Deloris came again which means it was her third week in a row. She is on fire! The lessons were just really good and it was a great church service. After church, we went home and we actually got to go to the mission home and see President and Sister Jensen! Tender mercy again! I just love them so much. Then we came home and had some lunch and did some studies. Then we organized our car a bit and just made everything look super good! Haha very productive night. We had so much to do at home though that we didn't end up getting out that night so it was a night at home.
Today: Kind of a weird day. Transfers are on Thursday so our p-day will be this Wednesday but President still wants us to email on Mondays so here I am! I do have some exciting news though... I am staying in Winterset! With Sister Barker!! WOOOO!! There are no new sisters coming in this transfer so they decided to keep most the sisters the same but we are totally okay with that. We really wanted to spend the holidays together so we are just fine. I know though that the next 6 weeks are going to fly! We are determined to make the most of it! Also, Elder Hodges is leaving us and Elder Mealy (his comp and a Brazil visa waiter) will be training, and then Elder Kay and Tappen are going to receive a new Elder who they will train. Do you know what that means.... 7 missionaries in the Raccoon River ward! That is so crazy! We are stoked though to meet our new Elders! :)
Well, that is my week in a nutshell. Pretty good stuff eh?? I hope you have all had a great week! I didn't receive any pics of baby Kate this week so I am assuming she isn't here yet. Hopefully this week! I am so excited!! Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful week. Remember that I love you and that your Heavenly Father and Savior love you! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!
-Sister Jensen
"Is this Heaven? No, it's Iowa."
 BEST package from the young women in my home ward! I was so excited I tore the box open. Haha no shame. Thank you girls!
A bum foot as a missionary is not fun. At all.
My "homemade" ice pack. Bread and butter anyone??
Good 'ole Beaver Creek district. AKA... best district ever.
Alright top row left to right: Elder Jones, Elder Leishman (District leader), Elder Hodges, Elder Aston (Zone leader), Elder Maughn (Zone leader), Elder Sellers, Elder Kay, Elder Mealy.
Bottom row left to right: Elder Payne, Elder Tappen, Sister Barker, yours truly.